Saturday, July 3, 2010


Bizarre Beasts, pg 78
Players: Megan & Mallery

Bigfoot sightings are seemingly prevalent all around Michigan. People claim to see the large, hairy beast from the north woods of the Upper Peninsula all the way down to suburbs near the Michigan / Ohio boarder. Many theories exist in trying to explain Bigfoot such as he is an alien, an interbreed of ape and human, an experiment gone wrong and that he is the remainder of a giant great ape breed who lived 2-10 million years ago.

In my 24 years as a Michigan resident, I hadn’t managed to see Bigfoot until my recent trip to Hell, and interestingly enough, he didn’t try to escape when I went to take a picture of him. The weirdest part of the sighting was that I noticed a unique resemblance between his face and my own!

This is not the end of my search for Bigfoot. Because he has been spotted in so many locations throughout the state, I will continue to search for him during every adventure and will be sure to update after the next sighting.


  1. I think you are related to Bigfoot...Maybe your mom has some explaining to do??????

  2. Mallery! I have been trying to comment! Do you have to approve them or something! If so you need to take that off! What the heck?
